Event Details
Horses compact ground, and they especially love to do so in the corners of paddocks. But when soils are compacted by hoofed animals, rainwater is unable to infiltrate the ground to the compaction layer and grass roots cannot open up the soil. This leads to the next symptoms; can’t get grass to grow, weeds, erosion, and water-logging … In addition, when soils are severely compacted it will significantly reduce oxygen availability (anaerobic) and most of your soil organisms such as dung beetles, worms and beneficial bacteria and fungi will disappear. This can lead to the growth of bad (anaerobic) bacteria, which can be harmful to you and your horses. Therefore, the number 1 problem you need to work on is typically compaction and the rest will follow (with a bit of help!).In this webinar we will discuss in more detail what is compaction, how does it affect the soil and water cycle and what are the best management tools to de-compact and restore pastures and soils.
Mariette has recently finished a PhD in equine behaviour and nutrition. A registered animal nutritionist, Mariette is also a Certified Permaculture Designer. Through her business, MB Equine Services, Mariette provides professional and practical information about horse behaviour, nutrition, management, (forage) enrichment and slow feeding and property design.
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“This project is jointly funded through Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board levy, HorseSA (www.horsesa.asn.au) and the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme” http://www.naturalresources.sa.gov.au/adelaidemtloftyranges/land/landholder-services
In this webinar we will discuss in more detail what is compaction, how does it affect the soil and water cycle and what are the best management tools to de-compact and restore pastures and soils.